
It's not magic, it's a system

A person without a goal is like a ship without a captain.

A ship with a captain reaches its destination 99.99% of the time. But if we start a ship and just leave it without a captain and crew, it won't go anywhere. Similarly, a person without a goal won't go anywhere.

Many people set goals but are unable to achieve them because they are unable to change their habits. They are unable to form new habits that are required for achieving the goals they want to achieve. Success is a series of decisions and choices you make daily, yet most are not willing to do that. Are you?

An introduction to The Art of Goal Achieving, a seminar by Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher, about changing bad habits to good ones which will help us in achieving our goals. Professional self-managed teams know their goals and the required daily habits, this is one of the key ingredients to be sustainably successful in VUCA environments.

Its not magic its a system


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