
The regular schools weren't doing the things that I thought should be done

It makes more sense to cater the education to match their aptitudes and abilities.

It’s important to teach problem-solving, or teach to the problem, not to the tools. Let’s say you’re trying to teach people about how engines work. A more traditional approach would be to say, we’re gonna teach all about screwdrivers and wrenches. And you now have a course on screwdrivers and a course on wrenches. This is a very difficult way to do it,

A much better way would be, here's the engine, now let's take it apart, how are we going to take it apart? You need a screwdriver, that’s what the screwdriver is for. You need a wrench, that's what the wrench is for. And then a very important thing happens, which is that the relevance of the tools becomes apparent.

Elon Musk, technology entrepreneur, investor, and engineer, talks about Ad Astra the experimental not-for-profit school he created for his kids.


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